Starting a New Chapter

So you are thinking of starting a new chapter - AWESOME!

In just five easy steps your application is ready to be submitted ...for more info.

Step 1: Check to see if there is already a chapter in your area.

Step 2: In preparation for your first (organizational) meeting, administrative matters must be completed. It will take time but we have provided a brief PowerPoint presentation that may help you with the journey. 

Step 3: Conduct your first meeting (often called the organizational meeting). At this meeting, you will need to

Step 4: You're getting closer to success. Conduct your second meeting, and conduct your first election of officers.

Step 5: Congratulations, you're almost there. Email the National Chapters Committee that you respectfully request consideration as a new chapter of the Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society. We would be honored to have you and your new members as part of an organization that strives to preserve African-ancestored family history, genealogy, and cultural diversity by teaching research techniques and disseminating information in the community. As our new chapter, your goal will be to promote scholarly research, provide resources for historical and genealogical studies, create a network of persons with similar interests, and assist members in documenting their histories.