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Chapter Capacity


Sherri Camp

Board Governance Chapter Presidents

The Society management session for AAHGS Chapter Presidents is based on the Society Management Handbook created for societies by FGS and delivered at the 2018 FGS Conference. It is broken up into seven sections with appendices and models to illustrate management principles. We will discuss for of the sections. The first one is Understanding the need to Plan Sources of Income and Expenditures. It discusses strategies on how to make financial decisions, develop a budget based on the size of the chapter, and understanding available resources

We will discuss the components of a business plan and how to plan expenditures for Chapter activities.  Ideas for social media marketing plans for chapters will be given to Chapter Presidents participants to promote their chapter and educate their board members on how to best use social media.

Succession planning tools will be provided to help assess current board members. This section will help chapters to replace those skills in the outgoing board member that are pertinent to the positions so that important responsibilities continues uninterrupted. These objectives will help Chapters plan ahead and plan according to their mission and goals.

The most important part of this session is leadership training. Chapter Presidents will be given tools that will help them to be effective in their leadership and conflict management as chapter board members. These same tools can be given to their board members so that all AAHGS Chapters work with the same set of tools.


Ric Murphy

Ric Murphy

Grant Writing Chapter Presidents/ Designees

Thursday, Oct. 11

This training will provide a broad overview of the grant writing process. The topics covered include: fundamentals of good grant writing, general preparation of the grant application (i.e., specific aims, research design, budgets, analysis of reviews and strategies for rebuttal and reapplication), roles and responsibilities, and an overview about the various available funding resources. The session is designed to help each chapter to have a grant application template to take back to its membership.

This training is intended for AAHGS leadership - chapter presidents, board members and their designees.

Register for Grant Training


Shelley Murphy

New Member/First Time Conference Attendee Orientation

Thursday, Oct. 11 - Session I - 4:00pm-5:30pm


This session is designed to help you make the most of this experience.  When it is over, you should be able to recognize national officers, access locations in the conference hotel with relative ease, select sessions that will meet your needs, and know, if necessary, who to ask for assistance.